The carpenters are finished with the bunkhouse. Now, I have to paint and decorate. I started painting windows and the bunks. I ran into Elbow and found the perfect red in their mistakes shelf for $6. Unfortunately, there were no white mistakes. I was planning to use red there and took it as a sign that there it was waiting for me in the perfect quart size even! This morning Lyle and Bruce put the decorative end pieces on the bunks. I drew the pattern on a board and they did the rest. I stole the idea from a Pottery Barn magazine, they have great inspiration pictures.
My plan is to skirt the bottom bunk so we can hide lots of stuff underneath. I'm not sure what to do with the walls now. Originally, I planned to white wash and leave the ceiling natural. Now I'm considering doing a toner on the walls and ceiling and keeping it natural and only using white on the door/window trim. Do you think I should put red just above the bottom bunk and sides? Would that be too much or really tie it all together? I will wait for some of your comments. I hope I get some.
I'm not quite finished with this window but you can see how it would look with natural pine. Also notice the new electric units, the switch used to be up on the wall near the ceiling, you needed a stepladder to reach it! I'm amazed at what electricians can do. He was here for less than 3 hours and did lots more than what you see in this photo. Did you notice the antler light fixture on the back wall? I was excited to find that. The ugly little trailer windows will be covered up with matching skirt fabric too.
Yes, there is a little rustic fireplace in the bunkhouse! It was always full of stuff so you couldn't really see it. I found that old picture at Kvils and I think it will be perfect there.
What is turning out to be a very spendy little fence/gate is almost completed. The guys will come back tomorrow morning and it should only take about an hour more...I hope! That's it, we've decided to leave the wellhouse alone and cross our fingers. The plumber was able to contain all the water that was running out of the side so we're leaving it alone for now.