Saturday, June 2, 2007


We made terrariums in school this week and it was a very easy & fun project. Kris saves her candle jars/lids and gave them to me to use in school. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them initially but came upon an article in a magazine for this idea. Here are the basic steps:
1. Small pebbles on the bottom for drainage.
2.Charcoal rocks to prevent odors-we skipped this step as it's optional.
3. Good potting soil- then we added about 3 T of water, do not over-water!
4. Stick in a plant-I used ivy which was easy for the kids to poke in.
I had some dried moss that they ripped up and tucked around the plant. I was surprised by how the moisture brought it back to life, it turned nice and green. The students brought in rocks, pinecones, bark and other natural items to add although you can't see them in this photo.
This might be a fun summer project for you!

1 comment:

jen said...

Very cool. What a fun project! Eric is leaving today for his golf trip today. I won't see him until the 14th! Fortunately, Courtney's summer recreation activities start on Monday, so the girls and I will stay busy. Have a great weekend!
