Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This and That

Found this picture on another blog. Can you imagine trying to walk in them?!!

Royce, Lynn, Gracie & Ollie were at home in Cyrus last weekend. Dan and I went to see them on Sunday. Here's a picture of Gracie with Grandpa. She's up to 10 pounds....one pound in each cheek I think! She is such a good baby, very relaxed as you can see in this photo.
Not sure if I used this photo of Sophie at the Japanese Garden at the Arboretum earlier, but if I did it's so sweet it bears repeating.

Speaking of bears....here's Ellen with one in Royce's shop in July.

Here's Kurt's plane. He dropped in one afternoon in August and picked Dan up and they went out for a little ride. Dan loved it! Notice Dan down by the floats.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture of Gracie and Grandpa! Ann

Anonymous said...

I have those shoes in black. They match everything.