Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Spread

We had a rather pretty spread at our 4th grade Valentine Party.  There were pretzels and pop too.  One of the moms brought Mountain Dew!  That was a hit as it usually is forbidden. :)  We had orange pop too without caffeine.  It was kind of cute as one girl said sorry, I'm not allowed to have MD.  There's an honest kid for you!  Aren't those Valentine cookies just too cute?  The same mom who brought the pumpkin cookies on a stick for the Halloween party brought these and I had to snap a close-up.  They tasted delicious too.  She used to have a cookie business and it shows.  We had a healthy treat planned (apples) but one of the kids was absent and the other forgot.  Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Nice looking spread! Those cookies are really pretty.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have a mom who is a professional cookie decorator. They look so good! On Valentine's Day forget healthy. Ann PS I hope Dan was good to you on Valentine's Day!!