Saturday, May 10, 2008

They're Back~

The first hummingbird arrived on Thursday, May 8 at our house.  This bird is the one that truly signals the beginning and end of summer for me. The males arrive a couple of weeks before the females which is a good thing as about the only food source around here are the feeders I've set out.  In a couple of weeks, we may have some something blooming around here like the columbine that they love.  We have the orioles back too, on the same day as the hummingbirds.  They feed from the same feeders too.  Hope we have oranges at school this week so I can take home some  that the kids didn't eat.


Anonymous said...

We celebrated Mother's Day in Delano today, and the bird feeders were full of Spring activity. The kids got to see 2 male Baltimore orioles, several finches, a female cardinal, and a very large pileated (?) woodpecker. Sam sat in the bay window for about 20 minutes watching and counting birds! Mom reports that she's only seen one hummer so far. I have a robin sitting on a nest that has 3 eggs in it. I'm not anxious for them to hatch, since they are on the window ledge about 10 feet from my pillow! Sam also checks them every day to be sure the mama bird is on the nest.

Anonymous said...

I thought you'd like to know that I bought a pack of microfiber cloths at Target yesterday. I bought a pack of several. I used them to clean a couple windows and in the bathroom. I brought one to school today and instead of using paper towels to wipe off the desks after spraying them, I used the microfiber towels. I haven't built up the same loving relationship that you have, but I'm certain I'll get there.

I figure it makes more sense to use these than all of the paper towels I used to go through.


Laurie said...

Hi Shelly! Sam sounds like a budding birder!! I hope your robin is quiet now that she's nesting and not attracting a mate! That's neat that the kids can check in on them and watch their progress. A feral cat killed a robin in our yard last evening..I was not happy.

Shari, did you see that you can get special microfiber just for windows? I gave Mom a few in her Mother's Day gift. You're right, they are supposed to eliminate paper towels. I need to get one in my very dusty car!

Anonymous said...

Laurie, I love this photo. You are such a good photographer.

Laurie said...

Thank you anonymous! Many bird photo's I take from the web but this is one I did take a few years ago. And so much for my theory about the females arriving 2 weeks after the males...I saw a female at the feeder last night so they're here too!