Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More yard photo's

This side of the garage used to be a huge eyesore.  I do not remember adding that day lily but it looks happy there.
This is the first new bed that I added in June.  There are about 10 hostas and 3 sedum plants clustered around this old wheelbarrow that I found in the woods behind the cabin.  It's located to the left of the driveway as you come into our place.  There are some wild daisies and a charming blue wildflower that blooms like crazy all over the point this time of year.  You can see it in the fake arrangement further down.  It makes a nice cut flower and lasts for quite awhile.
Just a little window box on the east side of the garage that never gets noticed.  That's a tiny hosta growing in the middle.
The hostas along this sidewalk to our house have been here as long as the sidewalk, 7-8 years?  I know I posted this already but they got so huge this year...yes I know...that's what she said.  I'll save you the trouble Warren. :)
I'll end with my favorite place to read.  This is our second Sky chair after the first finally wore out.  This one is to weather the elements so we'll see how long it lasts.  They're made in Boulder Colorado and they're the most comfortable chair to have outside.  Much better than my hammock which is still sitting sadly down in our basement.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laurie I love the Hostas growing up your sidewalk to your house. Very pretty. The flower box is also cute. You should consider making a coffee table book of your yard photos. I have used for some nice books. I have "discovered" some shade loving flowering geranium bushes that I put in pots on our patio floor. Mike doesn't think we need to add plants because we are surrounded by them.(and the patio is small, but I disagree, so I went ahead and added a"few" pots here and there. The pots have added a nice touch, the twins will even sit "quietly" at the bistro table and do puzzles. I believe flowers and plants have a wonderful calming effect on people. I am also going to use hanging baskets to create a "natural" screen between the sidewalk and the balconey. I will let you know how it turns out with a photo post. Love, Danette