Besides getting my hair cut and highlighted on Friday after school, I've spent most of the weekend trying to get rid of the nasty cold I managed to pick up last week. Dan is adamant that I take Monday off, we'll see, that would involve planning for a sub and running to school today.
I did some rearranging of furniture in the living room and tried the French baguettes again-much better. It looked like a loaf of bread instead of a breadstick! Thanks for some of your tips. I put water in the stove while the bread was rising and that seemed to help, and also oiled the top of the bread so that the cloth would not stick. Also spent some time going through recipes that I have collected here and there and put them into an old vintage photo album.
Anyone excited about the Oscars tonight? I'm not although I did see Up and Avatar. I really wanted to see Up in the Air but will have to wait now. I hope Up does well, it was a wonderful movie. Have a great day! ~Laurie
Hey laurie, Hope you are feeling better. Just a random question. Was one of your sisters collecting or looking for iron Owl trivets! Kris
Yes-did you see them at the Bargain Bazaar? I saw a pair there but Shari has a set now so I passed them by. If you did buy them, I'm sure she would still be happy to take them. You can't go wrong for 50 cents! Was this your quilting weekend? If so, are you all quilted out?
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