These pictures were taken on Saturday. I think the plants would love some new dirt here.

The Lily of the Valley really took off after the rain. A week ago, there was no evidence of them.

Kris, I think you gave this to me last year. It looks like a peony, am I right? I have chives coming up all over the place, the oregano survived another winter too. I'm also pleased to see that the lamb's ears are back. It's a fun time of year for gardeners. Especially fun when you forgot what you added the previous year!!!!
If that's really a fern leaf peony I am jealous! The plant part is gorgeous, and the flowers aren't bad either! Hope that's what you have there!
Yeah, that is a fern peony. I think I gave you the one that I had in a bad location. I was so glad to see it on here as I forgot I gave it too you and thought that I had killed it by not moving it sooner. My other two are really doing well this spring. One of my wonderful sr. ladies gave them to me a few years ago. They are terribly expensive to buy.
Thanks, Kris! What color will it be? You also dug up some blue perennials that were growing near your potting shed. I put some in front of the house and a couple in back. You said they bloomed all year. They haven't popped up yet but it's still very early. So you remember what they are?
Your peony will be red, but I believe the other plant is a Mallow plant. and when they begin to take over, you may not thank me. (altho I love mine for the spot I have them. )
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