Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Uncle Mike added more pictures to ancestry.com and I love this one. There are a few others I will share later. I could pick Mom out right away. From left to right we have JoAnne, Paul Fisher (a cousin?) Elmer, Lorraine & Jeanette. Aren't they sweet?
Just a couple current pictures from my yard. I've spent some time cleaning up neglected beds this summer. The hostas are doing great. Some of the flowers on them are ready to be cut off, which is a little project when you have so many. They don't all flower at the same time. The big green one you see on the left gets huge white fragrant flowers in August-love those. The hummingbirds have been enjoying them.
The basil in this basket are doing quite well. I used it for starting them as seedlings and then moved them to other pots. These will now stay. Not sure what I will do with them all.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. I finished The Other Boleyn Girl, which was very entertaining and fun historical fiction-a perfect summer read as it is quite long. It's about Mary Boleyn, sister to Queen Anne, their family and relationship to King Henry Vlll. I love reading outside on summer days-usually the Sky chair. Also made some rhubarb jelly, it looks good/pretty but I haven't tried it yet, only 3 ingredients.
Last week I cleaned up the bikes for Josef and Rachel to use so I decided I may as well use one. Took a nice evening ride out around the golf course. Today is cloudy and windy so I'm glad I did lots of outdoor activities yesterday. This morning I'm having coffee/lunch with Mary in Fergus and running a couple of errands. I'd better finish sweeping the driveway before it rains-enjoy your day!


Anonymous said...

It was gorgeous up here on Monday too. I got all my laundry out on the line, baked blueberry muffins, got Paul to go to kettlebell class with me, sat out on the deck and read a magazine that came in the mail. I also cut a bunch of stuff from the garden. It's looking pretty good this morning too - a little windier, not quite as sunny.


Karen said...

Can't wait to see more of the pictures.