Saturday, June 11, 2011

Before Shot

This is kind of a before picture as it's just after Dan trimmed the lower branches that have been dying for some unknown reason in the last few years. They used to be full and healthy. Dan suspects the spraying in the ditches every year, but who knows. The top broke off in a storm a few years ago and that may have stressed the tree too. Anyway, I'm going to do a little gardening under this tree and when it's finished I'll post a new picture. I already hung up a cute birdhouse that Shari found for me at the Pengilly rummage sales with the help of her friend Carol.


Anonymous said...

We've cleared the bottom branches from our pine trees. I think as the tree gets older the bottom branches just die off. But I am not positive on that. I am sure you will do something really cute under the trees. Ann

Karen said...

We also have a pine tree that needs to have the bottom branches trimmed. It is one that we got as a memorial for Jeffrey's dad. The tree has nearly tripled in size in the last nine years. I believe also that lower branches tend die off...also mowing around the tree tends to damage them too.