Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, I'm officially off the school clock for the year but I will need to return tomorrow for a few hours. I had some last minute drama with our grading system this afternoon but was able to get the job done the old fashioned way for the cumulative grades. We went until 11:15 with students this morning, a potluck and then meetings until 2pm. So not a lot of time for other essentials but enough whining. I get it all done tomorrow. It's hard to believe that the year is actually over. It was a good year and they always seem to go extra fast. I should mention that I got my 25 year pin today-yikes!!! I was the only one at that level and Louisa got her 30, none higher than that, she seemed shocked too. It will be 5 years before I suffer that embarrassment again. I know I should just be proud of it but it's hard not to feel old. :)
I love old maps and have used them for bulletin boards but never considered them for wallpaper. I like it in a small area.
This is pretty too, like a patchwork quilt.
Raise your hand if you love these linens!!!
Have a lovely weekend!
Graduation parties will take up a large share of mine.


Anonymous said...

I finished my 22 year. It's amazing how fast it goes by. It was an emotional week at my school. We have several people leaving us - either retiring or taking jobs in other districts. Lots of crying. Bob Klinker retired. It's kind of like Michael Scott leaving "The Office." You can't really imagine what it will be like without him.


Karen said...

Raising my hand high for the linens on the ladder picture. I have a stash of vintage table clothes that I would love to display. I just need a bigger house.

Your pictures are a day brightener!

Anonymous said...

I just wrapped up year number 30, and got a pen and letter opener (weapon?) for 25 years in Shakopee. I love the linens, and have an old typewriter that's up for grabs if you want one for a cute little table like the one you pictured. Let me know and we can get Dan to bring it to you sometime! :) Shelly