Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well, I'm trying to! I've been working on the new hosta bed under the big pine. The first step was to pull over 100 little buckthorn seedlings, evil things. It's best to pull them from the roots while you can otherwise you will battle them forever cutting and spraying. Then I dug up and split a variety of hostas and dug new holes under the pine. It was a cool sunny day for working and the evening was just beautiful. Today I'm moving bark from our mulch pile and spreading that around. Some of the hostas are rather droopy looking but they'll pop back soon and very soon I will have an after picture for you.

Dan is a very good painter so when he's in the mood to paint it's a good thing. I kept busy digging new hosta holes, that's what I'm good at. :) I haven't killed one anyway.
Isn't this a nifty idea??
Leaving you with a lovely scene found online.


Karen said...

Yes the cloche idea is nifty. I may have to try that. I spent part of today weeding my biggest hosta bed. I also picked the first fresh radishes out of my garden-YUMMY! I thought of Patty as I was weeding. Now she gets to see everyone's beautiful gardens. The next time I go to Madison I am going to go over to her and Jeri's house to see the greenhouse he built for her.

Anonymous said...

You have radishes already. Up here our growing season starts a good three weeks later than central Minnesota. We were in a frost advisory on Thursday night. That is one thing that I do not like about living in northern Minnesota. Patty had a greenhouse - very cool.
