Sunday, October 3, 2010

Inspiration from the Web

The first two pictures are from Cath Kidston's house. She's a designer from England and always features vintage florals, so of course I love her. I'm not really into stencils anymore but I love that floral painting around the doorway, especially pretty on the blue. I totally would love the dress below....sigh.

These pictures are from Amy Butler's inspiration photo's. Another vintage designer who's into florals and gorgeous patterns. The picture below reminds me a little of the desk I have near the new bathroom.
So another weekend has passed. It was a nice relaxing one here. I have a couple of finds from the SA and GW in Fergus to share with you when I get around to taking pictures of them. We're getting ready to watch Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire so I'd better get off the computer. Good night and have a great week!


Danette Fettig Halloran said...

Laurie that dress would look gorgeous on you!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog! I have joined a book club. we are reading:"The Tall Pine Polka"by Lorna Landvik.we meet the 3rd Mon. of the month.Need to read every day to finish the book.
I agree about the dress you would look in it.