Sunday, October 3, 2010


I didn't want my basil plants to freeze and go to waste so I've been making a lot of pesto. I just threw my 4th batch in the freezer and tried the ice cube container method this time. I froze one batch in plastic baggies, another in a small crock and just left one batch in the fridge to use now. I used sunflower seeds in one batch and walnuts in the others. I think both are good. Most recipes call for pine nuts but Deans doesn't seem to carry them and I never think to look when I'm someplace else. I've also heard they are very expensive. Shari told me that sunflower seeds are almost exactly like pine nuts so that works for me. So far, we've enjoyed it on bruschetta and in pasta. I'll have to try it on a homemade pizza too. Any other good ways to use pesto?? I have one more vase full of basil and not quite sure if I will make one more batch or maybe just freeze the leaves.

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