Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Library Bake Sale

It's the Library-a-thon this Friday. I didn't bring anything last year and felt guilty, so this year I made my usual donation; biscotti. I used the little wax paper bags and made the biscotti smaller so it would fit. I showed Dan when I had them all displayed properly and he asked, "Are you going to blog that?" So, here it is. Hopefully they will all sell.


Karen said...

If I had come to that bake sale I would have bought them just because they were packaged so darn cute. But....this darn south beach diet shuns carbs.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I enjoy the presentation part better than the baking part. Thanks, Karen. Stopped at the library after school and they all sold. Picked up some hot chicke sandwiches for an easy supper tonight too at their fundraising dinner. Perfect for a Friday night.