Saturday, August 13, 2011

Random pictures

I was taking pictures of the pretty flowers and Big Kitty decided she should be included.
We've had a couple of 3 inch downpours this summer It all flows down Sandy Point and fills in down here. It doesn't go into their cabin luckily. We've been fine, it just gets very mucky.
Shari, Paul & Nancy ran in Flekkefest this summer. Nancy won her age group and was the second woman over all. She's training for the Twin Cities Marathon in October. Quite an amazing feat I think!
Sophie and Carly pose with Daphne in her cute little life jacket.
Sophie & Carly fishing-no luck.

Stuff I've been buying

This is a stock photo that is nearly identical to my rummage sale find over Flekkefest. It's a Franklin Covey rolling laptop bag/organizer. Mine has one big pocket on the side not two. Dan was very impressed with it and thought it was for him. I will let him borrow it. :) So, I got it for $2 and it's currently selling for anywhere up to $150 online.
Here are my birthday cowboy boots. I can't wait to wear them somewhere.

I found one of these wire skirt hangers and it's a very handy organizer. I know a couple of people who are looking for them so if you have one you don't want or spy one at a rummage sale, please buy it for $1 or less.
The wood cubby/organizer was purchased last week at the Bargain Bazaar for $5. They sell something similar at Pottery Barn for a lot more. It's on a side table in the DR for now. If you are on my FB page you know that I am trying to get the painted floral trim off the top edge. I have been rubbing it with alcohol and that is taking a lot of the paint off but it takes awhile.
I am SOOO happy with this Descoware pot!! It had no handle and they wanted $1 for it at the BB. Someone said it might make a nice dog dish. I had never heard of it before and it says made in Belgium on the bottom. I researched and found that it was a popular item with Julia Child and the company was taken over by Le Crueset in the 1970s. I've used it three times and it cooks like a dream! I hope I can find more. They are not very common but I would like to have a 11 inch skillet and maybe a larger pot. Ebay has them. I had a broomstick in the garage and it had a threaded end that fit perfectly in this pot. I cut it down and sanded it a bit and it's great!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Items found and created

I rescued this from the dumpster, any creative ideas for its use? It's sitting on the floor in my pantry presently, holding extra bags and some food. It doesn't really fit in there so I'm trying to think of something else.
Last week I was just delighted to find this book at the Fergus Goodwill. I even paid $1.99 for it, which is high for a thrift store book. It's about a woman who reads to a bear in the woods and even though he doesn't understand the words, he loves being read to and she loves reading aloud. The message is the joy reading aloud and being read to brings to anyone. I will be reading this one to my 5th and 6th graders and will join the other picture books I leave out just for fun.
Look at the beautiful illustrations. When I was paging through it on the way home in the car, Dan even commented on how nice it was.

Here's my most recent mini clipboard re-do. I was lucky to find a pack of Amy Butler paper at the dollar store, it was more than a dollar but very worth it as I just love her style.