Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stuff I've been buying

This is a stock photo that is nearly identical to my rummage sale find over Flekkefest. It's a Franklin Covey rolling laptop bag/organizer. Mine has one big pocket on the side not two. Dan was very impressed with it and thought it was for him. I will let him borrow it. :) So, I got it for $2 and it's currently selling for anywhere up to $150 online.
Here are my birthday cowboy boots. I can't wait to wear them somewhere.

I found one of these wire skirt hangers and it's a very handy organizer. I know a couple of people who are looking for them so if you have one you don't want or spy one at a rummage sale, please buy it for $1 or less.
The wood cubby/organizer was purchased last week at the Bargain Bazaar for $5. They sell something similar at Pottery Barn for a lot more. It's on a side table in the DR for now. If you are on my FB page you know that I am trying to get the painted floral trim off the top edge. I have been rubbing it with alcohol and that is taking a lot of the paint off but it takes awhile.
I am SOOO happy with this Descoware pot!! It had no handle and they wanted $1 for it at the BB. Someone said it might make a nice dog dish. I had never heard of it before and it says made in Belgium on the bottom. I researched and found that it was a popular item with Julia Child and the company was taken over by Le Crueset in the 1970s. I've used it three times and it cooks like a dream! I hope I can find more. They are not very common but I would like to have a 11 inch skillet and maybe a larger pot. Ebay has them. I had a broomstick in the garage and it had a threaded end that fit perfectly in this pot. I cut it down and sanded it a bit and it's great!!


Karen said...

Hi Laurie: Have you been to the thrift/junk shop in Battle Lake? I went to BL yesterday with a friend for the art fair. We went to the shop first and found a few things. The gal had to close early yesterday for some reason so I did not get to spend much time in the shop.

Love the boots.

Laurie said...

Yes, Shari and I stopped in there early in June. I've never really had luck there. She doesn't do a good job of marking things and I don't like asking.