Monday, September 29, 2008


I have been keeping my eyes peeled for a hummingbird but haven't seen one in the last 3-4 weeks.  Usually they stay til the end of September but they left in early Sept this year.  I wonder if that means anything about our fall or coming winter...I hope not.  The last hummingbird I saw was at the kitchen window.  It was a female and she was VERY plump so I thought it was evident they were getting ready for the big migration.  Little did I know it would be so soon.  These little birds signal spring and the true end of summer for me.  Have a good winter in Costa Rica little guys!


Anonymous said...

I was sitting on the front porch about a week ago and a hummingbird came and enjoyed the geranium plant right next to me. I could not believe that I was that close to it. I could have touched it. It was neat to hear it's wings humming! Ann

Laurie said...

I love it when they come close too, some are pretty brave. A week ago, hmmm, I wonder why mine left early, too many bees in the feeders perhaps.