Friday, May 8, 2009

If you're a farm girl you know what these are...

The bales in the background are a big clue!!  This picture is from which is a favorite website of mine.  So do you know what the red things are????  
Somebody was worried about my bad day in first grade on Wed and it was just a day that happens now and then-nothing major.  If you teach first grade, you know what those days are like.  The other first grade teacher had that kind of day today, one of her stubborn kids cried for about an hour today-very loud and you could tell it was totally for effect.  I could hear it loud and clear in my room-the joys of primary.  Good things happen too and outnumber the challenges.  One of the girls told me today that she wished I was her mom.  They don't really mean that when they say it but it's a very nice compliment so you just say thank you.  This little girl has a very cool mom so you don't need to worry about her.  It's just their way of saying they really like you.   
Today was a big day for me.  Some of you know already, but I will be doing something different next year and I am very excited about it.  Change is good!!!  Have a nice weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie,

It was me that was worried about your bad day. Yes, they do happen. On Monday I was getting off the school bus with my first and second graders and mis-stepped between the bus and curb. I have a minor fracture and sprain. The worst part was that the kids all witnessed it and were scared. I'm in a walking boot and doing ok.

I'm curious to know what your plans are for next year.


Jan said...

It's funny how elementary and high school are so different. I teach h.s. math, and have students in all 4 grade levels, freshman through senior. My day started yesterday with a father coming to my room and telling me his freshman daughter (straight A geometry student) had been suspended for 2 days and was worried about the test we were having yesterday. She was part of a group on the track team bus [at the back] who were playing "truth or dare" and a boy and a girl did something REALLY bad - but the whole group was suspended. Never had that happen before! Oh, and are those things hooks used to move the bales?

Laurie said...

Yep, they're bale hooks.