Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Tis the Season

It finally seems to be safe to start planting. This year I am hoping to plant herbs again and even more lettuce than I ever have before. Yesterday, I planted 3 planters with a variety. I tried planting some of the little scallions too, we'll see how that goes. My kitchen window boxes are full of impatiens and begonias in pinks, reds and white, with some ivy. The stone planters will be full of pansies. That's all I have so far and it doesn't seem so late after all.


Karen said...

Love the succulent pictures. I made up a indoor planter earlier this spring. I scraped some moss of a tree in our yard to cover the dirt.

I am getting anxious to plant flowers outside also. But....not having much in the ground for our crops yet kind of dampens my mood a bit. I have decided that my plantings are going to be predominately geraniums and zinnias.

Laurie said...

Hi Karen!
I hope things dry up quickly so you can finish planting.
I will have at least one succulent planter too as I brought some in for the winter, just need to decide what I'll put them in this year. Geraniums and zinnias sound wonderfully old fashioned. :) I would love to have them to cut in late summer. Oh well, we work with what we have I guess.