Friday, February 11, 2011

Ice "Damns"

Here's an educational post for all of you. We are battling ice damns at our house. I know that's not how it's spelled, but it should be. Last weekend's warm temp's brought water dripping into our house in two different locations. On Sunday morning, we must have shoveled 2 tons of snow off the north side of the house where most of our issues seem to be. Last night, I purchased a roof rake and even though it was almost $50, Dan thought it was worth the money, and a safer option too I suppose. Tonight after school, we chipped away at the ice and removed quite a bit. With warmer temp's ahead of us, we're trying to stay ahead of the game.
I think that if we ever build a house (doubtful) it will have a metal roof!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love our steel roofs. A little sunshine and whoosh ,,,you hear all the snow and ice go away. Kris