Sunday, November 25, 2007

Playing with the new Mac

Here's a picture that I zoomed in on and later cropped for a nice close-up.  Can you see that we have ice on the lake?
Kelsey and Sam walking Mollie.
They looked so cute walking the dog together.
Courtney's dog got tired so Dan gave Tootsie a break.
Deb and I with the pugs.  They were both snoring away for awhile.  They sound just like people when they snore.  We had a great Thanksgiving down in Sioux Falls!
This is my first post with the Mac.  Getting used to the little keyboard is the biggest challenge thus far.  There are lots of neat things I can do with my photo's so maybe I can share some of that on the blog.


jen said...

The pictures are great, Laurie. I especially liked the one with Kelsey and Sam walking Molly. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the good pictures.I just finished cleaning the stove.Had a good day at school.THe kids were glad to get back and the break was good for them and me. It was cold out this morning but by noon it was fine.

Anonymous said...

I love the one of Kelsey and Sam walking the dog! It reminds me of a Kim Anderson photo.