Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thrift Store Tour

This is the main room, the front desk is under the clock.  Jewelry is to the right of the desk.
This is a peek inside the book room.  It needs to be reorganized and new shelves are planned for the other side of the room that is not shown.  Spinning racks are there now and look kind of junky.  We have a lot of books!
This is the children's room which is behind the front desk.  You can see we've run out of hanging space.
This is the kitchen room.  Around the corner is a dressing room and another room for men's items and then that leads to working hallway and the sorting room that is lovingly referred to as the "Morgue."  It used to be cold and gloomy in there but now with the heater, shelves, island and a coffee pot it's getting rather homey.  I'll snap a photo of that room someday.
Here's the other side of the main room.  The shelving that you see on the walls were originally used to display eye glasses, now perfect for knick knacks.  The only room that I didn't get a picture of is our high end room used for very nice clothing and antiques, linens, purses and anything deemed "frou-frou."  It also houses a beautiful hutch for display only.  I spent 4 hours working on Saturday.  Shirley & Jean were working so we had a lot of fun.  I decorated the front window with floral china and books and then worked in the kitchen room reorganizing.   Of course I found some fun items, 3 cream cereal/soup bowls, some items for Shari's birthday, and a pretty green checked tablecloth.  I brought in a big box of stuff so it's okay.  My rule there is that twice as much goes in the store as goes home with me.  Oh yes, the banners that you see in the window spell Bargain Bazaar and I made them with wall paper samples.  They work well but the condensation has caused some separation I will have to repair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks so neat. Be fun to browse through it some time.I can't believe how much space you have. Just sent Jimmer some cookies. Hope they arrive in one piece. Dad helped me pack them and you all know how he packs things and the tape he puts on the package.