Sunday, March 28, 2010


This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago. The lake started to open up about a week ago, right by the point on the distant left. I took another picture this morning and will try to document the lake opening this year. It is early this year and it will be interesting to see if the loons arrive within a week of the ice out as usual.
Mom and I met in Alex yesterday to do some shopping. There were some good $5 deals at Herbergers and I found a couple of tops, one was even a spring top from last year so I can wear it now. Mom bought a new grill at Menards and they plan to use it this Easter weekend. Kind of a cloudy rainy day yesterday and there were plenty of shoppers about. Today is starting with not a cloud in sight so hopefully we'll have sun all day. Don't you love the prospect of reaching 70 this week? Maybe just 60's in our area but I'll take that too.
The 3rd quarter ended on Friday and I have lots of grades to enter in the next few days. Will try to get most done today. Looking forward to two 4 day weeks ahead of us. Spring break is Easter at our school. Have a great day and enjoy all the signs of spring popping up all around!

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