Monday, June 11, 2007

Good-bye Sopranos

Did anyone watch the final Sopranos last night? Dan and I are so bummed that it's over. I guess I'm okay with the open ended way that they closed the show. Dan thought we lost our signal when it went black and tried to turn it back on but I knew that was it. My personal feeling is that they were just going to have a nice family dinner together but that they will live always looking over their shoulders. I was glad they didn't kill Tony or something like that. They did leave it open for a movie if they would ever decide to do that. Great show, we will miss it.


Anonymous said...

Can you believe we never watched one episode?! Ann

Anonymous said...

I too want to believe that they lived "happily ever after".

Laurie said...

Some people believe that the black out stands for the lights going out for Tony, indicating his death. I don't buy that though. I think Tony cleared things up pretty well by killing Phil and Phil's mob family seemed to back Tony up. Who would have killed him? I think he was in the clear for awhile, but always looking over his shoulder.