Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Last Day

The last day of school is over.  It was a good last 1/2 day but I'm glad it's over.  This year, I was really dreading the last day and there are probably many reasons why.  First of all, it's hard not to get attached to first graders.  They grow and change so much in the course of the year.  I actually made it through all the goodbyes without crying, not sure how I did it, but I'm glad as it just makes the kids feel sad anyway.  First grade is a very challenging but very rewarding grade to teach.  Our Kindergarten teacher is moving into my classroom and also gets a Smartboard.  She is excellent so the future is in good hands.  She was on unrequested leave since March and just found out a week ago that she has the first grade position and the SBoard so it was a nice turn of events.  I'm very happy for her.  There are some people that I am really going to miss working with.  
Tomorrow morning, I get to see my new classroom in Barrett for the first time!  I'm very excited since I'm a very visual person and I need to see how I'm going to use this space.  I have had some bad dreams about my future space so it will be good to finally see it.  All the rooms are a little different and I have been told that I will get another Smart board so I am VERY happy about that.  Another thing that I am excited about is my new 5th grade partner,  she is fantastic!   We have 5th grade homerooms but will also teach 6th in the afternoon.  Well, that's enough rambling.  If you read this far, thank you, this was a post that was mainly for me and a little bit of closure for my year.  I am looking forward to summer, a trip to Florida, seeing more of my family and friends and digging in the dirt!  Happy Summer Everyone!!!! 

1 comment:

jen said...

Congratulations on being finished with another school year! I am finished as well, but have been going in for a few hours each day to look through applications for hiring a new superintendent. We have ten applicants which is pretty exciting for our school! I have enjoyed spending most of my days with the girls-reading, relaxing, playing softball, etc... I am leaving for San Francisco on Sunday and will be there until the following Sunday, so if you have any suggestions on what to see and do, I would appreciate it. Jenny Rowe will be joining me on Tuesday. Have a good rest of the week!