Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Classroom

Here it is....very different from what I am used to!  This photo actually shows the back of the room.  It was designed to be a science lab, thus it is one of the few rooms in the school with tile.  I am not a fan of tile but plan to bring an area rug from home to put up in the front of the room near the smartboard which is where I spent most of my time. Tile rooms are so noisy too-but maybe I can get carpeting someday.  The tile area is under the skylight.  This is an interior room.
There are counters everywhere but not a lot of storage space.  This is the front of the room and that door leads to another science room.
Lots of storage space along this wall but the bottom shelf is almost 6 feet high so that's the only shelf I can reach without a stepladder-which comes with the room.  You can also see a sink with the only lower storage.  The Smartboard will go directly in the middle of that gray board.  The desk and teacher computer go in the corner near the phone and under the TV.  I've never had my own tv, although it won't get used very often since the Smartboard has a DVD-VCR player and is like having your own movie theatre!  I found out that it will be installed in early July so I will start the year with one-yeah!  Also note that I only have 2 little bulletin boards-I don't have a problem with that!  So, there you have it-the place I'll be spending my working hours next year.  I'll post updated pictures in the fall when it's all ready to go.  Hopefully, I can make it feel a little more elementary and warm.


Anonymous said...

A skylight? That's pretty cool! I have an interior Science lab and it's like a cave all year. If you do any kind of experiments in your room you'll be glad for the tile, but I agree that it's pretty noisy compared to having carpet in the room. Can't wait to see how you make it work! :)

Anonymous said...

Who had this room before? I thought I was familiar with the rooms, but this one doesn't look familiar to me. Maybe because it is empty. kris

Laurie said...

I'm not even going to be teaching science-just reading-English and social studies. I think I will put some plants in the tiled area and the fish tank too. Did you see all those outlets?! They were for microscopes. I forgot to mention that the 3 science rooms have a joint huge storage area with microwave and fridge. The fridge is for science but I bet I could put my lunch in there as long as nothing gross or dangerous is inside!

Laurie said...

It was Jay McNamers.

Anonymous said...

That is the one room that none of the kids I worked with went in. Mostly sr high rooms. It must be the day for decorating. I am painting the bedrooms upstairs this summer. Just got going on the first one. The great thing about old plaster walls is that wall paper just peels off. kris

Anonymous said...

The room is huge! It'll be fun to see what you do with it. It really is a blank slate.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to guess which room this was and I figured it had to be Mr. McNamara's old room. Fun! It seems so much bigger when it's empty but I'm sure you'll have it all cozy by the time you're done decorating!


Danette Fettig Halloran said...

I can't wait to see the room after you apply your touches! It looks pretty cool!

Teri said...

Ahh yes, Mr. McNamars room! I am sure that you will make good use of the skylight!