Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy Days

My days have been busier than I have been used to! Last week, workshop days went well, but were a little hectic as usual. I am really enjoying my down time this week and it's working out great that the construction started inside the house today so I can be here for questions. We had 5th grade orientation today. I then picked up my 1/4 beef in Hoffman and headed to Elbow where I returned my book The Compassionate Carnivore. It might sound like an oxymoron but it is not. Kind of ironic that my due date on the book was also when I would pick up the beef. It was a very good book and I have a few things I hope to pass along through my blog at a later date. For now though-don't throw away your meat! You would be astounded by the number of animals that are killed every day and never even consumed. This ties in with my wasted food post earlier.

Okay, back to the remodel. Today the guys are tearing down and building new walls and door openings in the vicinity of our bedroom. There was a mystery space behind the craft (junk) room and it was a closet that was boarded up. WHO boards up a closet? We could have used that space all those years. Oh well, it will be part of the future laundry room soon. It's very noisy here but after all the roofing even the cats seem to be used to it-besides Maisy of course. I thought the noise might make me anxious today but it just feels good that progress is being made and in good time too.

We had a nice weekend in the cities. I relented and let Dan go back on his promise not to play in the state senior tournament. They lost both games but the guys had fun. I attended the Sunday game-it was a beautiful day. It was nice that it was at noon so we could get home earlier. We met Charice and Sean on Friday night downtown. We ate at Hell's Kitchen for breakfast Sat morning-very good food but we still prefer Keys which is now conveniently located in the old Foshay like the W. I hung out on my own most of Saturday after Dan took off. I hit Marshalls, spent a lot of time at the public library where I researched bathrooms and found many good cheap books for my classroom at their used book store. Spent some time at B & N researching bathrooms again.

So, now you are all caught up on my happenings in the last week. I might post a remodel picture after the guys are done working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we are all anxious to see all the changes!! And you'll appreciate the quiet after all the noise. And who DOES cover a closet?? Seriously??!! :-) Deb