Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fur at the Salvation Army?!!

I went to Fergus today to do some Christmas shopping. I stopped at the Salvation Army as I haven't been there for quite awhile. I was looking for old frames and padded vintage hangers and found fur instead! I bought three of them. This is the largest collar and it was $3.80. The smaller ones were $2.80!! I'm wearing this one as I'm typing and it's very cozy. I think it's a cream fox according to my web research. I found similar collars for $78 on a vintage fur website.
This one has a notched collar and might be kind of fun on a jean jacket, sweaters/cardigans.
I'm not fond of the red wool bow one this one but it was the collar with the nicest fur. There were a couple more but I felt a little crazy just buying 3. Should I have bought them all or did I buy too many-that is the dilemma. I like them so I guess that's all that matters.

In addition to the fur, I did find a couple of nice frames, some books, and a cashmere winter hat. I scored a bunch of books at Goodwill too. Some of my treasures are going to be Christmas presents.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I was there about a month ago with a friend and found a Vera Bradley handbag for only $1.80. It is a small one so it works great as a travel bag for my cosmetics etc.