Sunday, January 16, 2011

Burning lots of candles here today and the fireplace has been going non-stop. Hope you are all avoiding the wind and snow outside. It's really whipping up out there and I'll be surprised if we're not 2 hours late, although now I've probably jinxed it. Nothing like starting Monday off by sleeping it a little bit, especially in January!
Here's a Pottery Barn pillow that I like and have thoughts of replicating with my calendar pictures. Birds were big last spring with PB, this spring looks like butterflies. I'm into both.
I've admired some collage art at gift stores combined with quotes. Here's my imitation. The 4-6 inch plaques had ugly pictures on them so I just glued over the top of them, they came from the SA for 50 cents each. I still have one left. I have some copies of family pictures I'd like to play with too.
I took pity on this rather tacky Christmas bird (50 cents) at the Bargain Bazaar a couple of weeks ago. She's starting to grow on me because someone put a lot of effort into gluing all her sequins on both sides. She clings to a plastic branch and I actually like the colors in her tail feathers. I stuck her in the tree and she looked at home there with the vintage ornaments. She must be a partridge.


Karen said...

I spent part of the day looking for anything "butterfly" on PB and other sites. I think it me just wanting spring to get here and darn fast. This cold is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Laurie, if you have those butterfly prints you can print them on fabric sheets. I have done it many times and have a whole bunch of the fabric sheets on hand. Kris

Anonymous said...

I really like the Emily Dickenson quote. It was on the wall at the Unit Sarah was on in Fargo. Ann