Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!!!

I'm ending the year with one of my favorite nature photo's found on the web.  Do you make resolutions?  I don't make a big deal out of them but I usually make one or two.  I also tend to make resolutions at the start of a brand new school year in September.  Of course, they are usually school related.  In September, I resolved to bring healthy and more interesting lunches to school and avoid school lunch.  That was kind of cheating since I rarely eat school lunch anyway.  So, I have eaten in school once for corndog day, which I love.  We have them once every two weeks so I am often tempted.  As for interesting, I packed an open face egg/shrimp sandwich a few weeks ago, an idea I stole from IKEA.   Packaging was the most difficult part.  I'm also leaving for school 10 mn earlier than I usually do and that has made a big difference in my day.

Goals for the new year are to read 3 books a month, become smarter with my Smartboard, take more artistic type photo's with the new camera that is on its way.  We purchased it with our credit card reward points so it feels like it's free.   Yes, you may be getting a framed round bale picture for your birthday this year!  

Please feel free to share a resolution of your own.  Writing it down for others to see may help you to accomplish it.  I read that somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, resolutions! I usually start the year the same way, lose some weight, get in shape, etc... Since this is a "benchmark" birthday year, I think I'll just stick with trying to cook healthier meals and getting everyone else in the family to actually eat some vegetables this year. Personally, I want to bring less work home and finish some crocheting projects. Happy New Year everyone! ~S~

Danette Fettig Halloran said...

Hey Laurie, Can I get the recipe for that egg shrimp sandwich? It sounds delicious! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to cook more and not feed my kids (or myself) as much processed foods. There, I've put it in writing in a public forum.

Shari said...

I'm going to donate blood at least twice this year. I did it today and I always feel bad that I don't do it more often, so I'm making it a resolution. Paul said he'll go with me the next time I go.

I did the cook more/less processed food thing, but I don't think I did it as a resolution. I didn't quit buying mac & cheese for the kids, but I do a lot more cooking from scratch and it's enjoyable.