Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dreams of Spring!!

I bought basil seeds today!  I've been thinking about herbs and using them as a filler in many of my pots and window boxes, pretty and edible.  I have a little spring fever even though we have close to 3 feet of snow out there that shows no intention of melting soon.  So, in the next week or so I will plant the basil and a couple other herbs and enjoy watching them grow inside.

This week, we have mini courses on Thursday afternoon and I will be teaching a class on terrariums.  Thank you, Kris, for all the candle jars-they will be recycled for this project.  In the past I have done, beaded bookmarks and paper airplanes so this is a new class for me. Two years ago we made them for Mother's Day in 4th grade and they really turned out nice.

We went to a surprise birthday party at the Fergus bowling alley today.  I didn't even know there was a bowling alley in Fergus!  It was a good time and they had great pizza.  I bowled two games and was very excited to break 100 both times, 104 & 111 if you really want to know.
Afterwards, we stopped at Target and I enjoyed strolling through Target's patio/gardening section.   The only spring item I purchased was the basil seed.  19 days until it's officially spring!


Anonymous said...

Laurie, I have a few more jars if you need them We moved Tami into her apt last weekend, She is on 75th and Lyndale, just 5 min from work. Small but nice. She seems happy there. I, too am ready for spring. it sounds like we should get a taste of it this week. Kris

Shari said...

Post a picture of one your terrariums when you are done. I'm always looking for new things to do with my 4th graders.

I'm home with Carly today. She's running a fever. We know it's a viral thing since we took her in on Sunday thinking she had strep and they did a blood test after the strep came back negative.

I'm ready for warmer weather too.