Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Happy Saturday everyone!  I thought I'd get a quick post out before I head to the Bargain Bazaar to work the 10-2 shift with Shirley and Jean.  We always have a lot of fun working together so I'm looking forward to that.  Last night, I enjoyed watching Mama Mia at a friend's house for a girl's night.   It was a lot of fun and the movie was very good.  I loved the daughter's character.  She also plays the daughter in Big Love if you watch that.  She can really sing.

LOVE this little lampshade.  I think I need another little project to do inside.  My herbs are planted and I am waiting for them to sprout.  The coriander seeds have to be planted outside so I only have the parsley and basil going.  Hopefully, we'll get the warmth and sunshine soon.  It's warmer today but still so windy you hardly notice.  I really hate the wind.
Downtown Crows
This was published in the Strip this week.  Every spring the crows descend in the Loring Park area and I thought this was a cool picture.  I think it's very close to where Dan's apartment used to be.  Did you know that crows can be taught to speak and that they are very smart birds with amazing memories?  If you ever read "The Tarantula in My Purse" by Jean Craighead George you will see crows in a new light.  It was one of my favorite read alouds for 4th grade.  A collection of short animal stories-the kids loved them.

Gotta run or I'll be late for "work."  Maybe I can find another treasure for a give away on the blog.  That was kind of fun!  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Oh my gosh Laurie! That lampshade is deeelish!!

I can't wait until you make one :)
