Monday, July 27, 2009

Recent purchases

I got these Fire King coffee cups at Goodwill for 50 cents each. If you are one of my siblings you will recognize the one in the middle. I've been on the look-out for this cup for a couple of years. I'm giving them to Dad and I think he will like them don't you? Do you think he will use it or continue to use the old one? I've seen them in shops for $4-5, which I have not been willing to pay. They're in mint condition too!
I visited a new shop in Fergus today called Boxelder. It's on the road behind Perkins, way back there. Perhaps a little too far off the beaten path. It was a very nice little store with many hand crafted items and some new with a definite vintage flavor. This book was on the bargain shelf and I had to pick it up because it's about using items found at thrift stores and rummage sales. It looks like a good one-saving it for later.


Shari said...

Dad will like the cups. I've seen them for $5+ too.

I have thought about buying fabric to sew cute aprons, but then I find some cute vintage aprons for so cheap and decide I'd rather just buy those.

Laurie said...

Yeah, and it's not like I don't have enough aprons!