Saturday, August 11, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Last night I wished for a thunderstorm and my wish was granted. I did not wish for 75-80 mile per hour winds however. We woke last night around 1am and went straight for the basement, the power was out and we heard a loud crack as we huddled down there. We really should keep a chair down there or two. Finally the winds died down and we crept back upstairs not sure what we'd find. We could see that many branches were down and tree limbs but figured there was little to do but go to bed and wait til morning. No power in the morning and branches were everywhere, large oak limbs down and hanging high. This photo is behind our bedroom where the worst damage was. Our beautiful blue spruce lost around 10 feet off the top and that was the worst on our property in my opinion. We went down to the cabin worried at what we'd find and were pleased to see that only lawn chairs had been tossed about and part of the dock was up on shore. We cleaned down there and then noticed Junior's cabin. It was very sad, 2 huge basswoods down and on top of his cabin. We ventured a little further and noticed lines were down so we went back up to the house and started working our brains out raking and hauling debris. Called Bill our tree guy and he said he would come out, luckily! He arrive late in the afternoon and we cleared most of the branches away. The big tree at the cabin will go down this week as the crack is much wider now.
Junior's cabin
Tree down at the Lindberg cabin 5 cabins down from us, same side of the point.
Another Lindberg cabin other side of the point. They have a ton of damage, many trees down including the empty lot behind their cabin.
And worst of all, the Ronningen cabin. All 5 basswoods down and all on top of their cabin. You can see their guest cabin on the right and part of the roofline in the center of the photo. I took these cabin photo's early in the evening after REA had been out and took care of all the electric lines. Our electricity finally came back on at 8pm tonight. I'm sure it's still out down on the point. Tomorrow morning I will try to take another photo of the Ronningen cabin from the other side. I've never seen anything like that. It makes me so sad as it was one of the prettiest classic cabins on the point. They just roofed and sided. I did hear that miraculously there is little damage to the cabin and I hope that's true. It will not look the same without the beautiful trees in front though. Maggie and her husband own the cabin now as she bought out Andy a couple years ago. They are in Mpls and were contacted by the sheriff this morning.


jen said...

Wow! We're happy no one was injured with all of that damage. We had strong winds, but the storms hit harder north of us. Eric and I are venturing to school, kids start tomorrow, so we need to make sure everything is ready!
Take Care-

the tattered nest said...

sorry to hear about the bad storm...we just got rain. Glad everyone is ok .....

Anonymous said...

Wow! have never seen so much damage since 1976. We lost 7 trees in that storm. A big pine tree,box elders, walnut,and 3 locust trees. It rained horizontally, so we had water damage in our house. Glad no one got hurt. Hope Ted and Pam have power by now. At least it is cooler. Have been picking tomatoes and cucumbers. Canned some tomatoes.