Sunday, April 13, 2008

Eastern Phoebe

Joel & Amanda were up this weekend.  Amanda and I had fun checking out the two thrift stores in Fergus and two stores that were new to us.  We found a few goodies at the thrift stores but were very pleasantly surprised by the Central Market (not sure on the name) gift store and Meadow Brook Farms which is a natural foods and spices shop.  It's been there for 25 years but I never knew where it was.  Now that I know, I will go there much more often.  It's only a couple miles out of Fergus.  The guys were happily watching the Masters on TV and later that evening we watched Into the Wild.  Pretty sad but a good movie.   We have it if anyone wants to borrow it sometime or watch it here.
Joel and I went on a birding walk  this morning and spotted the Eastern Phoebe.  We were looking for kinglets but could only hear them.  It was fun to be outside and I always feel inspired to do more birding after being around Joel and Amanda. 
 Lots of snow has melted here and I hope that by tomorrow at this time most of it will be gone.  Down at the cabin is another story.  There's still about an 8 foot drift just off the deck.


aunnielee said...

First day back at work since we parted ways and what do I have on my ears? My beautiful new brown earrings, of course!

Shari said...

Did the photograph by the bus at the end of the movie catch you off guard? It's the kind of movie you feel a need to discuss afterward.