Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I actually made liver tonight...and I liked it. Dan left later in the afternoon for a retirement party in St. Cloud from his financial aid days, so it was a good night to try it. I don't think Dan likes it anyway, maybe I'm wrong. Mom used to make it with onions and since it was the only option I ate it, with plenty of ketchup and often holding my nose.
Anyway, we have some fresh liver in the freezer from the beef we got from Dad in June and I thought I'd give it a try. I went to allrecipes.com and looked up liver and onions and settled on the world's best recipe with butter and onions. I also prepared some little red potatoes with Jan's garden fresh green beans so I'd for sure have something to enjoy. Just to be safe I also gave myself a good dose of ketchup. The recipe called for soaking it in milk before cooking to remove some of the strong taste and maybe that helped. Really though, anything you cook with butter and onions has to turn out okay. :) Do any of you ever make liver? Do you like it?


Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to be cooking up bits of liver for Jack the dog, the breeder says that is the best and cheapest doggie treat. She said to boil it, then bake it in a slow oven until it's pretty dry. I immediately thought of liver jerky! Ugh! Shelly

Anonymous said...

I won't be asking for that recipe even though I also have liver in the freezer.

I'm think Sandy might like to try the liver jerkey treat.

Anonymous said...

I only cook liver at home for the dog when she has puppies. Can't get past the smell. Lena and Ole love it tho when they get it. Kris

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie and Dan,

Liver, bacon and onions are great with little red potatoes and maybe, green beans. Dorothy prepares it at least once or twice every six months or so.

Love your blog.

From your friends on Farm Island,

Dick and Dorothy