Tuesday, July 17, 2007

School Hollyhocks

This will be the last post this morning as Dan is working from home today and needs the computer in a few minutes. These flowers are blooming in our school's bird sanctuary right now. I think they are so charming and old fashioned. When we were weeding this spring, I dug a few to transplant near the cabin door-window and they seem to be doing well. They were small so they'll probably bloom next year, wonder what color I got. These would take over our sanctuary if we let them! Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

THey are beautiful. Ihave some and they are not so pretty. It has been to dry. we had a storm last night.Spent the morning cleaning up the yard.Mostly dead branches. We got an inch of rain.Been picking berries also. They are almost done.

the tattered nest said...

I love Hollyhocks! I have never had much luck with them. They need full sun...which I don't have much of. You are right, it was to hot today to do anything! take care,Gail