Thursday, July 12, 2007

Shari and Ellen on Captiva Beach

Shari, Paul, Ellen and Carly are vacationing in Captiva this week. The house they're renting is close to the Mucky Duck restaurant which has a live beach web-cam. Ellen and Shari told me they were heading out to the beach and would set up camp in front of the camera. In the first picture I had them get up close and wave and saved the picture immediately. (Shari called on her cell once they got there.) The second picture shows them under the red and white umbrella center screen. At this moment, they are still there. Isn't the internet great?! Looks like a lovely morning to read on the beach. The highlight of this trip so far has been the manatees that hang out near a marina that's close by. Ellen touched one! They had fun kayaking yesterday and saw dolphins and more manatees up close. That sounds pretty neat, usually I just see carp when I kayak along the waters edge. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures! We got home around 9:30 last night. It's good to be home. We spent a good share of Friday in a Fort Myers ER. Carly got a nasty stomach bug starting on Tuesday night. We took her to a Sanibel clinic on Thursday where she got a shot and some other medicine to take and when she wasn't getting better, we had to bring her over to the "mainland" to get IV fluids. It made a world of difference. Her sentence for Saturday was "I'm hungry!" If it wouldn't have been for that, I think this would have been just an awesome vacation.

On Friday night Paul found a junonia shell. This is the prize shell of the islands. People actually have their picture taken and they put it in the island newspaper when they find one. Ellen says she is going to email them our photo. The teenage girls in the house next to ours freaked out when they saw it and they yelled to their mom to get over and see it. She said she has been coming to the islands since she was 7 and she has yet to find a junonia. It's fun to show the shell to people down here, but when you show it to someone in MN, they say, "Nice shell." It was a nice way to end our vacation.

I highly recommend Sanibel & Captiva Islands as a vacation spot!