Thursday, April 12, 2007

Clean Sink

Isn't a clean sink a pretty thing? A couple of weeks ago when it was in this rare state, I snapped this photo. The lamps cast a nice soft light in the evening. They're from Martha Stewart and came in a pair. I used to have them up on the fireplace mantel but this is where they seem to belong. I have another lamp on the opposite counter. If you have room for a little lamp in your kitchen I think it really gives it a cute and cozy look. The pictures taped in the window are spring gardening inspiration, something to look at besides the snow. The snow is almost all gone now I am happy to report!
I was outside around 9:30 this evening and the coots and ducks were making quite a racket down on the lake. I listened for awhile hoping to hear a loon but didn't. It was so calm and the stars were so bright. Orion's belt really stood out in the sky and it seemed fairly low too. I'm not really up on my constellations but that is one I recognize.
Al and I were down in the cabin measuring the kitchen. Next week, he's going to start on the cabinets. Most of the upper middle section will be ripped out for open shelves. He refaced the doors earlier this winter and we'll put those up once the tearing out process is complete. The plumber put the new furnace in yesterday and the new faucet so things are starting to happen. Tomorrow, I order the red shingles....there'll be no going back. Scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks very nice.Just finished the floor. Dad is going to the show.I plan on watching the Twins.I made the corncake forthe birds. Dad thought it was for him when he smelled it baking. I told him it had bird seed in it. He was very disappointed.We are going to Mankato tomorrow to Alex's BB game. Glad the weather is nice. Can't wait to see your cabin when it is done.