Monday, April 9, 2007

Flurries & Birds

I snapped this photo the day before last week's storm when it was a rainy sleet mixture. The cardinal has been a regular visitor at the feeders but he's not attacking his image at the windows as often. He's probably more occupied with wooing his mate, whom I haven't seen in a few weeks. I hope she's okay. A pair can raise three broods in a good summer. We've had the cardinals around for at least three years now so their numbers should be increasing. The bird in the background is a white breasted nuthatch, plenty of them around.


aunnielee said...

I'm loving the new side pictures -- it will be fun to watch the progress of the cabin throughout the months to come and of course, the cat picture of the week is an essential addition :)

Anonymous said...

enjoying the pictures.Thanks for the ivy geranium. Put it in my windowsill hope it brings spring soon.We are expecting 4-8 inches of snow tonight. We got home at 3 yesterday.We stopped and had lunch with Tim at EROS.We also did a little shopping in Target at Watertown.We appreciate your thoughtfulness.