Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fools Day!

Thanks Jen, for sending a perfect picture for my post today. I planned to show a snow photo but this is better. At least Courtney and Eric are making the most of it! It started snowing here mid-morning and is still going fairly strong at 4pm. Thankfully, it's not accumulating like it is at the Heaths. It must be their elevation. :) They live high up in the hills of Sisseton overlooking the river valley.
This weather really is quite depressing but what can you do besides patiently wait it out. Things can change dramatically during a Mn spring and this is a fine example of that. At least it gives us all something to talk about besides American Idol!!
Mom and I spent the day shopping in St. Cloud yesterday. We had a fun day despite the cold and heavy rain. We found some pretty primroses at Home Depot. I think everyone else in central Mn decided to shop in St. Cloud too. It was a pretty busy place.

1 comment:

jen said...

Thanks, Laurie. Courtney was excited to see her picture on your blog! We enjoyed the snow day by cleaning out Courtney's closet and reorganizing a little bit. Mindy and I also went out for supper, which was nice. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!