Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birds-Slug Update

Here is a pretty little warbler or redstart perhaps that was nesting in Jan's little woodland garden.  There was one baby in the nest but Jan and I think something got it because it disappeared shortly after I took this photo-stray cats maybe.
Now for the slug update.  I checked the wood traps and it was successful, there were a couple of slugs under each one.  The wet boards worked the best.  I'm probably just getting the tip of the iceberg but it makes me feel better.
I had Hannah and Axel this morning.  They came in with their mom who's teaching summer school and we spent about 30 mn in the classroom and then went out to the cabin.  Melissa joined us at noon for lunch and the rest of the afternoon.  We spent some time in the water and on shore reading cooking magazines.  The kids were pretty happy just hunting for clams.  Hannah loves the bunks and spent some time reading up on the top bunk.  My camera batteries were dead so I missed a fun photo...next time.

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