Friday, July 11, 2008

More Trees Down

On Thursday afternoon a tornado was on the ground just west of Sandy Point.  We had branches and a big limb down at the cabin but our neighbors (Kenny & Becky) had a big basswood come down. (This photo is their tree NOT ours!)  It missed their cabin by a foot so they were lucky.  The tree was pretty much hollow inside. 
Mom and I returned from a fun couple of days with Nancy and I have some pictures to post later from her house and the arboretum.  Dan was working in FF when I got home around noon so I got busy moving all his piles of branches he had raked with the wheelbarrow. 8-10 loads later it was finished just about the time he got home at 5.   I did take a few breaks as it was pretty humid and windy otherwise it would have been a 2 hour job but I had cleaning and litter box issues to deal with in the house too.  All is good now.  The hurricane winds finally went down a bit but it sounds like more storms tonight.  Is it just me or does it seem like we've had more wind than usual this spring/summer??!
Dan has a double header in Menahga tomorrow and after his appt.  with the Dr today he is going full speed ahead.  He has pain pills now you know.  The doctor looked at his shin and thought that was normal too.  I am skipping the  Sat. game as it doesn't sound like a pleasant day with all the wind and cooler temps.  I have some jewelry projects in mind and a couple of books to keep me busy.  I'm sure I will also find some time to post some pictures on the blog as well.  Hope you all have a good weekend!   ~Laurie


Anonymous said...

Danny, do not drink and take Vicodin.(sp) Not a good combination unless you are in your recliner.

Laurie said...

He's taking Naproxen which my mom says is like a strong Aleve. He's doing quite well with it.