Sunday, July 27, 2008

Landscaping Before/After

The lilacs have always been on this corner and rarely bloom since I'm always cutting them back.  Dan and I decided to take them out yesterday kind of on a whim and now we're wondering why it took us so long to do that.  It's much cleaner looking and gives a nicer view of the yard from the porch too.
I'll just stick a few hostas in there and that will make a nice easy border connecting the two that are already well established.  Since it looks like today won't be rainy after all,  I plan to do that this afternoon.  Dan is off to his double header in Wahpeton.


the tattered nest said...

I liked the before but the after does look better, you have such a cozy looking house, I love it!and all of your hostas!

Anonymous said...

How about a climbing flower of some kind on that corner? Or a bleeding heart? Having the bush out of there does clean it up! Deb

Anonymous said...

Your house looks great. I would onsider a water feature you could hear inside. There are some really great selections at Home depot, Lowes, etc.