Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yard pictures 2008

It looks like the laundry is hanging from our pergola but it's just the panels I hung for privacy and a cozy feeling blowing in the strong winds we have today.
The hostas are in full bloom.  I think they look pretty right now but in a couple of weeks they will look all scraggley and I will have to cut off all the old blooms.  
Here's a brand new hosta bed that I put in 2 weeks ago.  The grass won't grow here behind the house but I know the hostas will.  In a couple of years the dozen hostas here will be full and lovely.
The big hostas that you see here are about 7 years old.  They make a nice border.  I wish I had used more varigated but I used what I had on hand-plain old green.
This bed is three years old.  It's another spot where the grass wouldn't grow and it's starting to look pretty decent.  Every year I try to add two or three more hosta beds.  I've done two this year and hope to get another in.  Less to mow you know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like it would be hard to mow around all those hostas. (That's what she said.) (:-)