Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Battling Buckthorn

This is what buckthorn looks like.  It is a highly invasive tree that will choke out other trees.  We are constantly cutting it down in our grove and even in the yard.  I have let the grove to our east go for the last few years so I spent time yesterday making up for it.  In about one hour I cut around 300 plants down.  I should also be spraying each stub with Round-Up but that's a two person job and I'm not sure how effective that is anyway.  Dan and I did a two team approach a few years back and we haven't noticed a decline.  The above picture came from the net but it's exactly what I'm dealing with.    I wonder if she is standing in poison ivy too?
Yes, we have tons of poison ivy out in the grove so I have to watch out for that.  I'm not itching today so I think I was careful enough.  The boots I got at the Bargain Bazaar this spring are perfect for the job and all the wet weather we've had this spring.  I've used them many times including asparagus picking on Monday so they are well worth the $2 I spent on them.  If you ever suffer from poison ivy, remember this easy very hot water over the spot until you feel relief and this will last for quite a few hours, for me 10-12 hours which is wonderful!!

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