Friday, June 27, 2008

Movie Report

I give Sex and the City 5 out of 5 stars. Dan gave it 4/5.  Dan and I both enjoyed it very much but we have always been very loyal fans of the show.  I felt like I was at home watching it in my living room.  I thought the sad moments were very raw and I felt a little choked up especially when Samantha was feeding Carrie in Mexico and also when she ran out of the limo to confront big and Charlotte stopped Big from going after her.  Miranda should have said something to Carrie much earlier but their conflict on Valentines helped Miranda to come to her senses with Steve.  I loved it when they met on the Brooklyn Bridge.  

I felt frustrated that Carrie wouldn't take messages from Big, but like Nancy said, we needed to see him in some pain and they did a nice job with that.  They did a great job of balancing the sadness with humor.  For example, after Charlotte told Big to leave Carrie alone, she did a little constrained hobble in her bridesmaid dress into the limo. I also liked when Charlotte's water broke and she told Big that she had always been on his side and then she told him that she "cursed the day he was born." She had to get that in, it was lame and funny.  And then there's Samantha's new little dog....We will definitely buy the DVD when it comes out.  I need to watch it again just to see all the fashion/NYC shots.   The only thing that disappointed me was that we didn't get to see Carrie decorate that amazing penthouse apartment!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd like it. I thought it was rather predictable that she'd get married in her thrift shop dress. Why show that to us at the beginning if they weren't going to use it later on? But I don't mind predictable when it is something that I hope will happen.

Royce, Lynn, and Gracie were going to come up to go fishing this weekend, but our weather forecast went downhill. We're going to get rain and the winds are going to be up to 25-30 mph. You can't go out in a boat when it is like that. Tomorrow isn't going to be much better. So, we're going to try for another weekend this summer.