Friday, January 4, 2008

2008 Resolutions

Dan and I generally don't make a big deal out of New Year Resolutions but we have already made some changes that I consider to be "earth friendly."  I thought my blog would be a good place to share some of those changes with you.  Here are a few to get started and more will follow now and then as I have some nifty green images to use.
1. Reduce plastic shopping bags.  I purchased 3 Trader Joes bags and keep them in my car.  When I do get the plastic bags, we re-use them for kitty litter, trash bags, or donate them to the library, humane society or the new thrift store.
2.  Stop buying styrofoam products-they are evil. When I have leftovers at a restaurant I request a bag if it's appropriate.
3. We drive Dan's car whenever possible as it gets 35 mph compared to my measly 18.  
Okay, that's it for now.  Feel free to chip in with your own suggestions.  We're starting to recycle more but I'll save that for another post.


Shari said...

Did you watch Oprah today? It was all about going green. One of the things they recommended was bringing in your own travel mug to get coffee instead of taking a styrofoam cup. A pretty easy thing to do.

I'm a big fan of the clothesline. This spring, summer, and into fall I think I only ran my dryer once a week. I've also bought Earthwise grocery bags. My grocery store sold out of them and I'm tempted to order more on line. I think the website is The bags are sturdy, have nice carrying straps, and hold a lot.

Anonymous said...

Joel will be proud! Ann

Shari said...

I read the side of my grocery bags and it said

I only have four of them and would like at least two more. I asked the clerk if the store was planning on getting more. She said that a lot of people have asked and that they are getting more. They hold a lot of groceries - way more than a plastic or paper bag.