Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Taking down the tree?

I know many of you have your tree down already but I think I will be leaving ours up awhile longer to add a little cheerfulness to January.  This is the first year the tree has been in this corner and I like it there.  I did take off most of the Christmasy type ornaments and eventually I'll be down to just the lights.  One year, I kept it up through the end of February and had a Valentine's tree.  I don't think I'll carry it that far this year but you never know.
My car said it was 10 degrees on the way home today but it felt colder than that.  The thaw is going to feel good this weekend.  I remember 6 or 7 years ago when we had a long stretch of 
-20 to  -30 below and thought 0 degrees would actually feel warm and it DID!  Does anyone else recall that? Dealing with the cold is a badge of honor we can wear in Mn but that doesn't mean that we won't whine about it.
   I might have some fun interior pictures for you in a couple of days if I get permission from the owner.... Stay tuned!

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